How To Start Practicing Yoga At Home In India

How To Start Practicing Yoga At Home In India

Yoga is a holistic and multifaceted teaching, a philosophy of life, as well as a good path to oneself and to understanding the world around us. The main principle of yoga is the importance not of achieving goals but of the process itself. This emphasis will become the foundation on which we, together with you, will build our answer to the question “How to start practicing yoga at home in India”

How To Start Practicing Yoga At Home In India:

You can start practicing yoga at home in India at any time, as soon as you have such a desire, and it’s easy to do, you just need to follow certain recommendations and sequence in order to receive not only pleasure from the process but also benefits.

If, after familiarizing yourself with the theory, the choice is made in favor of home training, then the correct organization will greatly affect the final result. The proposed algorithm of actions will help achieve the effectiveness and benefits of training.

Prepare Clothes and Accessories:

The uniform for classes should be comfortable and preferably made of cotton. For long hair, you need to choose elastic bands (hairpins can get in the way). Ideally, you should purchase a yoga mat. But for the first time, you can lay out a comfortable bedding or blanket.

Also for classes, you will need a blanket for relaxation in Shavasana, small pillows, a belt, and blocks. A smartwatch with timers and a heart rate monitor would also help, but you can purchase this later.

Decide On A Place For Practice And Arrange The Territory:

Yoga practice involves peace and harmony. Therefore, it is important to find a quiet place with good lighting, where there are no distractions (street, household, neighbors) and no irritation. It is important that there is no furniture nearby that can be touched and injured. The space can be decorated with motivating photos and pleasant things that create the right mood.

Make a Lesson Schedule:

Despite the fact that the morning hours for yoga are a priority, you can choose any convenient time for training. But practices should not cause stress in the body. In addition, you need to take into account the hours of eating and sleeping time.

Choose Suitable Music:

Silence is not the best ally for proper concentration in practice and relaxation. Calm melodies will help you focus on the rhythm and achieve peace of mind.

Decide on a Set of Exercises:

Choosing the style and direction of yoga does not yet solve the problem of training. Each of them includes dozens of asanas, differing in purpose and complexity of execution. That’s why it’s so important to build a program that’s comfortable for yourself at the first stage.

The main thing when compiling a personal complex is balance. That is, the lesson must include all types of exercises: standing, lying down, sitting, twisting, etc. However, the sequence of poses does not matter and depends only on individual preferences.

However, it is better for beginners to start training under the guidance of an experienced trainer. The instructor will select a set of exercises and monitor the progress of their implementation. This will make it possible to learn the correct positions of body parts in asanas, which will increase efficiency and make training safe.

If the classes are not individual, but you have to work in a group, then this will add motivation and organization. In addition, additional communication often improves mood.

Where To Start Doing Yoga?

Most techniques allow you to start yoga with any level of physical fitness. But it’s worth getting acquainted with Indian practices by first studying and choosing the appropriate style (direction), which may depend on personal preferences and health status.

Each of them has its own specifics and sets certain goals and objectives for practitioners. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to obtain some theoretical knowledge.


Q. How to arrange a place for training in the house?

A. Oh, yoga is very universal in this regard and unpretentious. You need to choose a place in the house that will not require clearing space, where it will be convenient to lay out a carpet and perform asanas.

Therefore, you should choose a spacious balcony where plants bloom all year round. It is there, with the first rays of the sun, in a comfortable position, opening my palms to the world, that I will take a deep breath and begin training.

Q. What is important when practicing yoga at home?

A. The atmosphere is important.

Q. Which asanas are suitable for beginners?

A. For beginners, simple asanas are suitable, such as “Mountain Pose”, “Child’s Pose”, “Head Down Dog Pose” and others, which will help stretch the body and strengthen the muscles.

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