Agnisar Kriya | Method | Benefits | Precautions

Agnisar Kriya


Agnisar Kriya works as a measure of breathing carry out that controls the Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus) near your stomach. This Agnisar Kriya is measured as an essential phase in the set of 7 Pranayamas after Anulom-Vilom, Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Bahya, Udgeeth and Bhramari that Swami Ramdev Maharaja has presented.

What Does It Mean By Agnisar Kriya?

What Does It Mean By Agnisar Kriya


Agnisar Kriya is a yoga practice or cleansing method that clears the Manipura chakra or Solar Plexus (navel) and also strengthens our abdominal muscles as well as improves digestion. This name has derived from the Sanskrit language,

  • Agni, which means “fire”;
  • Sar, which means “essence”;
  • And Kriya, which means “action.”

Such Kriyas are precise exercises — often relating breathing methods as well as mantras. This Kriya is designed to cleanse the body and mind, as well as to expose the body’s understated energy chakras and channels. Agnisar Kriya is an introductory practice for the Nauli Kriya, which is actually an exercise including the progressing of our abdominal muscles.

Step By Step Instructions to Do Agnisar Kriya:

Step By Step Instructions to Do Agnisar Kriya


  • Sit in Vajrasana and keep hands on knees
  • Keep your eyes straight
  • Breathing out, move the stomach back and forth
  • While moving the stomach, hold the breath out
  • Do not move the shoulders when you move your stomach
  • Once the breath stops, keep moving the stomach
  • As soon as exhaled, exhale the abdomen about 20 to 40 times, and then stop running the stomach and start to take long deep breaths
  • After exhaling for four to five deep breaths, repeat this process of running the stomach 4-5 times after exhaling again.

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Benefits of Agnisar Kriya:

Benefits of Agnisar Kriya


There are plenty of benefits of the Agnisar Kriya. So, to find out all the benefits of this Kriya, keep on reading this article…

Agnisar Kriya To Reduce Abdominal Fat:

Agnisar, a highly effective yoga technique, is renowned for its ability to diminish abdominal fat. Particularly beneficial for post-pregnancy women who often carry additional weight, this practice is tailored to suit the needs of females. It’s imperative for women in such circumstances to undertake this yoga regimen under expert supervision. Consistent practice not only aids in the reduction of abdominal fat but also facilitates overall weight loss.

Agnisar Kriya For Diabetes:

By practicing this Kriya Pranayama, the pancreas properly produces insulin which plays a big role in reducing the amount of sugar in the blood.

Agnisar Kriya Improving Digestion:

By practicing this Kriya Pranayama regularly, the right amount of enzymes secretes in the stomach which makes the digestive system strong. It also makes your abdominal muscles strong.

Helps In Making The Body Active:

It makes our lifestyle activities and body parts, tissues, and cells start functioning well.

Agnisar Kriya for Constipation:

It helps in the digestion of food and helps in relieving the complaints of constipation.

Agnisar For Acidity:

Since the regular practice of this activity, the secretion of enzymes starts in the right amount. It helps a lot in relieving complaints like constipation.

Increase Body Energy:

It helps in increasing energy in the body and eliminates lethargy.

Makes The Liver Active:

It makes the liver as well as the intestines, kidneys, and pancreas active and helps in digestion by digesting food.

Agnisar For Stomach Diseases:

Agnisar is the panacea for all stomach diseases. With its regular practice, you can get rid of stomach pain, constipation, acidity, burning, etc. forever.

Exfoliates Toxins:

This is a yoga activity that helps in removing harmful substances from the body and keeps you fresh and always fresh while keeping the body clean and tidy.

Precautions for Agnisar Kriya:

Precautions for Agnisar Kriya


  • High BP, diarrhea and ulcers patients do not do it.
  • Agnisar should not be taken if there is a pain in the stomach.
  • This action should always be done on an empty stomach.
  • Avoid doing this if you have back pain.