Sanskrit Name: Parivrtta Trikonasana (परिवृत्त त्रिकोणासन)
English Name: Revolved Triangle Pose
Type of Yoga: Hatha Yoga
Level of Yoga: Basic
Duration: As per your capability or 15 to 30 seconds
Target Area: Knees, Shoulders, Hips, Thighs, Groin, Vertebral column, Ankles, Calves, Hamstrings, Thorax
Strengthens: Arms, Wrists, Vertebral column
Parivrtta Trikonasana fills the person with energy and provides more stamina for routine activities so that we can work more active all day. In this article, we will also give you the Procedure for Trikonasana, Trikonasana benefits and Precautions to take in Revolved Triangle Pose.
Table of Contents
What Does It Mean By Parivrtta Trikonasana?
The term Parivrtta Trikonasana has come from 3 Sanskrit language words
Where the first word is “Parivrtta (परिवृत्त)”, which means “Revolved”
The second word is “Trokona (त्रिकोण)”, which means “Triangle”
And the third word is “Asana (आसन)”, which means “Yoga Pose”
Parivrtta Trikonasana is also very popular among the people to reduce fat from various parts of the body like abdomen, hips, and waist. The biggest advantage of Parivrtta Trikonasana is that it can be done easily at any place at any time. Anyone can readily practice this posture without any preparation.
This article contains the ways and means of practicing Parivrtta Trikonasana. Also, the article mentions what caution should you take during practicing Parivrtta Trikonasana.
Preparatory Poses of Parivrtta Trikonasana:
- Baddha Konasana (बद्ध कोणासन) or Bound Angle Pose / Butterfly Pose
- Padahastasana/Uttanasana (पादहस्तासन/उत्तानासन) or Standing Forward Bend
- Prasarita Padottanasana (प्रसारित पादोत्तासन) or Wide-Legged Forward Bend
- Siddhasana (सिद्धासन) or Accomplished Pose
- Supta Virasana (सुप्त वीरासन) or Reclining Hero Pose
- Utthita Parsvakonasana (उत्थित पार्श्वकोणासन) or Extended Side Angle Pose
- Trikonasana or Utthita Trikonasana (त्रिकोणासन or उत्थित त्रिकोणासन) or [Extended] Triangle Pose
- Virasana (वीरासन) or Hero Pose
- Virabhadrasana II (वीरभद्रासन II) or Warrior Pose II Vrikshasana
- Supta Baddha Konasana (सुप्त बुद्ध कोणासन) or Reclining Bound Angle Pose
Method of Doing Parivrtta Trikonasana:
- At first stand in Tadasana or Mountain Pose on the floor or on a yoga mat
- Breathing, open your feet 3 to 3.5 feet
- Turn your left foot in between 45 to 60 degrees, and turn the right foot back to 90 degree
- Align right ankle with the left heel
- Slowly turn your torso right
- After doing this, tilt the torso forward
- Keep in mind that you bend the joints of the hips and not the joints of the back
- Now taking the left hand place it on your left ankle or on foot
- If this is not possible for you, then place the yoga block near the heel to place your palm on that
- Then lift the right hand upwards and move the neck towards the right and see the hand
- Take five breaths in total and leave them out so that you can stay in the asana for 30 to 60 seconds
- Gradually, such as strength and flexibility in your body, you can increase the time – do not exceed 90 seconds.
- After breathing 5 times you can come out easy
- Straighten the head to get out of the asana, lower the right hand, lift the left hand, and then lift the torso, straighten the torso back and bring the legs back in
- Finish in Tadasana or Mountain Pose
- After doing the asana on the right side, repeat all the steps on the left side too.
Beginner’s Tips:
If you have trouble keeping yourself or going to the bottom, then you can resort to a block
In case your hand does not reach the bottom, then take the support of a yoga block
Choose the height of the block according to your comfort.
If you do not have a yoga block, you can use any other item on which you can place the hand and it can bear your weight.
Follow-up Poses of Parivrtta Trikonasana:
- Janushirsasana (जानुशीर्षासन) or Head-to-Knee Pose
- Ardha Matsyendrasana (अर्ध मत्स्येन्द्रासन) or Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
- Parsvottanasana (पर्श्वोत्तनासन ) or Intense Side Stretch Pose
- Marichyasana III (मरिचियासन III) or the Sage’s Pose III
Precautions Of Parivrtta Trikonasana:
If you have severe back pain or neck pain, then avoid this asana
Persons suffering from migraine should not do this posture too
If a person has diarrhea, high blood pressure problem and has been hurt earlier in the back, then such person should not do this asana
Those people who have dizziness or have a problem of fainting during Yoga, they should not do this asana at all
Do not resort to knees while doing this asana, and do not pressurize it, otherwise, it may cause pain in your knees
If you have any problems related to heart then avoid doing this asana
Benefits of Parivrtta Trikonasana:
- While practicing this asana you will feel some stretches on the feet. These stretches make your feet strong
- During the practice of Parivrtta Trikonasana, you will get some pulls in your hips and spinal cord, which will work wonderfully to give that area strength
- Regular practice of this asana helps to open the chest, which makes breathing easy
- Practice this asana regularly to get rid of waist pain
- This asana stimulates the abdominal organs and thus gives relief from problems related to stomach
- Increases your physical balance with regular practice of Parivrtta Trikonasana
- This asana gives relief from Cystic, constipation, difficulty in muscles, and asthma