How To Meditate For Better Sleep In India

How To Meditate For Better Sleep In India

Sleep-related problems have become common thing due to stressful life, workload, or being engaged in computers and electronic gadgets till late at night. This is a sleep disorder, which is not completely cured even by medicines. Meditation can help you to deal with this situation.  So, see below how to meditate for better sleep in India.

Beneficial Meditation For Better Sleep:

Meditation before bed puts your thoughts in order, relaxes you, makes it easy to fall asleep without thinking about pressing problems, and makes it possible to get a great night’s sleep in less time.

Meditation can help you get better sleep and also helps in calming the mind by removing other stress of the mind. It increases melatonin, and serotonin and reduces blood pressure and heartbeat. So let’s learn about some effective meditation poses…

Mindfulness Meditation:

According to, first, remove the phone and other electronic gadgets from your room and then lie down comfortably. Inhale 10 times and exhale 10 times.

Do this at least 5 times and focus your attention on your breath. If any thought comes to your mind during this time, then focus your full attention on your breath.

Body Scan Meditation:

As the name of body scan meditation itself suggests, in this you focus on every part of your body. First of all, lie down close your eyes, and breathe slowly, then focus on each part of your body one by one. If your attention goes somewhere else, then focus your attention on your body, but do not let your mind wander.

Guided Meditation:

You must be understood by a guided meditation that when someone else takes you into a meditation posture. First of all, choose soft music and play it on your mobile phone and lie down. Breathe deeply and slowly and focus on that music. Even if your mind wanders, try to focus your attention back on that recording.

Breathing Meditation:

This simple method is recommended for all beginners; you can use it before bedtime or at any other time convenient for you. According to research, during such meditation, the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex are activated.

This increases concentration levels and improves performance. It’s not without reason that at Google’s central office, meditation rooms are organized for employees, where they can visit during the day.

How To Meditate For Better Sleep In India?

No matter how ideally the room and environment are prepared for falling asleep if the mind is agitated and restless, it will not be possible to fall asleep. Why is meditation needed Meditation for sleep involves immersing yourself in the most relaxed state, helping to sweep away everything that is not important.

Having mastered the technique of deep sleep meditation and vigorous awakening, you can forget about sleep disorders forever. So, meditation before bed is needed to:

  • Stop obsessive negative thoughts;
  • Free your mind from unnecessary information accumulated during the day.
  • The main conditions for sleep are relaxation and rest, which is what relaxation and meditation can achieve against stress and insomnia.
  • The ancient art of relaxation allows a person to fall asleep, freeing his mind from the influence of stress.
  • Meditation techniques will help relax muscles, restore breathing, improve blood circulation and fall asleep quickly.
  • If you take the habit of meditating for 5-20 minutes before going to bed, you can train your mind not only to fall asleep quickly, but also to see positive, good dreams.

Rules For How To Meditate For Better Sleep In India?

Meditation before bed will help restore full sleep, harmony in feelings, and overcome depression. With the help of meditative techniques, you can fall asleep, and then meet the morning without feeling lethargic and overwhelmed.

Don’t Overeat In The Evening:

Eating before bed causes your digestive system to work, which requires your body to be active and prevents your mind from completely relaxing.

During meditation, it will be more difficult for you to concentrate on your breathing, and it will also interfere with falling asleep. It is advisable not to eat in the three hours before bedtime.

You Shouldn’t Meditate Lying Down:

The body will consider this as a signal to fall asleep. Falling asleep is, of course, good, but you will not achieve any goals of meditation this way.

Even enlightened Tibetans meditate while sitting. It is best (if possible) to meditate in a room other than your sleeping place.

Don’t Read Before A Meditation Session:

Reading before bed activates the brain. This is especially noticeable if you read not literature, but information from the Internet and social networks, which often switch the focus of attention. All of this can cause thoughts that distract you from observing your own breathing.

Monitor How You Feel The Next Day:

Pay attention to your state the next day after meditation. Notice that you slept better, your emotional background is more even, and it has become easier to concentrate on something. This will give you the motivation to continue practicing and meditate further.

Meditate Regularly:

This is the most important advice. These exercises should be done every day for 10-15 minutes before going to bed. Regularity is more important than duration; it is better to conduct daily five-minute meditation than half-hour sessions every three days. Over time, you will understand the benefits of meditation, and you will begin to spend less and less time in bed.

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