Surya Bhedana Pranayama for Specific Conditions

Surya Bhedana Pranayama is also known as Right Nostril Breathing and it is one of the most beneficial techniques of yoga. This is a wonderful pranayama for cold days, which increases energy and heat in our body, i.e. body heat, due to which the effect of cold weather starts reducing on our body. So, see below Surya Bhedana Pranayama for Specific Conditions.

Meaning of Surya Bhedana:

In yogic terminology, the right nostril refers to the “gate of solar energy” or “pingala nadi” and the left nostril refers to the “gate of lunar energy” or “ida nadi”. The energy of the Sun represents the hot or masculine life force in the body, while the energy of the Moon represents the calm or feminine life force.

Surya Bhedana Pranayama for Specific Conditions:

This excellent Surya Bhedana destroys diseases caused by excess wind, purifies the brain, and cures diseases caused by bacteria.

This pranayama helps us in purifying the seven chakras of our body and helps in awakening the Kundalini Shakti. The main purpose of this technique of pranayama is to relax the body and mind, so there is no need to tire yourself too much during this process of yoga. Once you start this pranayama, you have to keep your body completely calm and steady.

According to numerous scientific data, asymmetric breathing through the right nostril promotes activation of the sympathetic nervous system.

The mucous membrane of the nasopharynx is closely connected with the brain. Stimulation of the inner surface of the nose with an air stream leads to complex reflex changes in the central nervous system – each time inhalation and exhalation occurs through the nose, the tone of the vessels of the brain changes in a wave-like manner, the processes of cerebrospinal fluid circulation and maintenance of intracranial pressure are stimulated

In addition, asymmetrical breathing through different nostrils reflexively changes the combined activity of the cerebral hemispheres and those parts of it that are responsible for vegetative tone.

How To Do Surya Bhedana Pranayama:

  • To do Surya Bhedana Pranayama, first of all, sit straight and close your eyes.
  • Make a pranayama mudra with the right hand.
  • For pranayama mudra, keep the index and middle fingers on the forehead close the left nostril with the remaining two fingers, and slowly exhale the breath from the right nostril.
  • Then take a long breath in while making a sound from the right nostril, and then hold the breath for a while.
  • Then exhale the breath from the left nostril without making a sound. This is called the one cycle of Surya Bhedana Pranayama.
  • Practice it 15-20 times in this way. Finally, exhale from the left nostril, bring the hands down, and sit quietly for a while.
  • Although this pranayama is done with all three bandhas, initially practice it without holding your breath for a long time.


If you are a patient with high blood pressure, if you have heart disease, if you get epileptic seizures, or if you are a person with bile tendencies then do not practice this Surya Bhedana Pranayama. Also, this Pranayama should not be practiced on summer days as doing this increases the body temperature i.e. body heat.

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