Yoga can be very helpful for you if you are troubled by the growing fat of your belly and looking for some effective remedy to reduce it. Yoga for flat belly will not only help you reduce fat from the stomach, but your muscles will become strong and the body will become flexible. Let’s know about some of the best yoga for flat belly in this article.
Yoga is considered to be the most effective and simple way to lose belly fat and also to lose weight. The best thing about yoga is that people of any age can do it. Yoga is very beneficial for any age group. It is known that many types of diseases and sometimes belly fats are born due to stress. But it can be solved through yoga postures. So check out some of the best yoga for flat belly below:
Table of Contents
Yoga For Flat Belly
Here is some of the best yoga for flat belly provided for you. Check out the most effective yoga for flat belly below:
Source :- img.timesnownews . com
Naukasana (The Boat Pose)
Naukasana or The Boat Pose yoga for flat belly will help to reduce your stomach fat if you practice it regularly. Holding this asana for more than a minute helps to strengthen the stomach muscles and the abs are also get toned. This strengthens the muscles of the stomach and removes belly fat. The health of the abdominal organs is improved due to the regular practice of this asana.
Source :- 2.bp.blogspot . com
Step By Step Instructions To Do Naukasana:
- First, lie on the floor on your back
- Keep the hands in your side and keep your feet straight
- Now breathing, lift your torso a bit and keep your hands straight in front
- Put the palms in front of you
- Now lift the legs upwards too
- By holding this position you will be able to feel pressure on the stomach muscles
- Keep breathing in the normal way
- And hold for about 30 to 60 seconds
- Then come back to the previous position
If you are new to this state, then do it 5 times, then slowly increase it
Relax for about 15 seconds before repeating the yoga for flat belly
Those who are suffering from blood pressure, heart problems, diarrhea, headache, and insomnia should not try this asana
In addition, during pregnancy and periods, women should not do these poses
Source :- img.timesnownews . com
Dhanurasana (The Bow Pose)
Dhanurasana or The Bow Pose yoga for a flat belly is extremely beneficial in the tone your stomach. It helps to stretch your belly, waist, thighs, hands as well as chest and improves your pores. This yoga for flat belly also helps to stretch the waist muscles and makes them stronger. It stimulates the neck and stomach
Source :- renyoga . com
Step By Step Instructions To Do Dhanurasana:
- First, lie down on the stomach
- Keep your feet together and keep your hands in the side of your body
- Now breathe deeply and gradually lift your legs upwards and lift the torso and take it backward
- Tilt the legs slightly and then hold your ankles with both hands
- Hold in this posture for 15 to 30 seconds
- Keep breathing in the normal way
- Come back to the previous position
Repeat this posture 10 times
Take the comfort of 15 seconds between repeating the process
Those who are suffering from high blood pressure, hernia and lower back pain or neck injuries should not do this asana
During pregnancy or during period do not practice this yoga for flat belly
Source :- mindbody360 . com
Ustrasana (The Camel Pose)
You stretch your belly and your ankles by stretching back in this posture, which helps in toning muscles of the stomach. During the Ustrasana (camel pose), you will get relief from the stretch as well as your waist muscles become strong due to the regular practice of this asana. The yoga for flat belly also improves fatigue, discomfort in the periods, and the treatment of light waist pain.
Source :- storage.googleapis . com
Step By Step Instructions To Do Ustrasana:
- First, sit in Vajrasana
- Now put your weight on the knee and make your torso straight
- Then breathing, tilt your torso in the back and hold the ankles one by one with your hands
- You will get pressure on your stomach muscles while doing this seat
- Keep this posture in the beginning for 20 to 30 seconds and then gradually increase it
- Look at the sky
- Keep breathing in general
- Breathe and then back in the previous position
Make this seat 5 to 6 times in the beginning and then slowly increase the repetition
Take rest for about 15 seconds before repeating
Source :- hergamut . in
Bhujangasana (The Cobra Pose)
Bhujangasana yoga for flat belly helps to stretch your stomach. Regular practice of this posture will strengthen the waist muscles and this asana is also very effective for reducing the pain of the waist. It helps to tone the belly as well as improves the flexibility of the lower and middle part of the waist.
Source :- qph.fs.quoracdn . net
Step By Step Instructions To Do Bhujangasana
- First, lie down on the stomach
- Open your feet and place the feet on the floor
- Now lift the chest up and straighten your arms too
- Keep the shoulders straightforward too
- Now take a deep breath, then slowly try to take your stomach backward
- This will create a stretch on your stomach
- Make a 90 degree angle from the waist
- Look at the sky
- Stay in this position for about 30 to 60 seconds
- Then breathe out and try to bring your chest, neck and head down slowly
- Then come back to your previous position slowly
- Make this posture 10 times
- Relax for about 10 to 15 seconds between repeating the asana again
Turn backward until you feel like a stretch on the stomach, thighs, and waist
If you feel any pain while stretching, relax without taking a stretch
People with problems of waist pain should not do this posture
Source :- lifeberrys . com
Marjariasana (The Cat Pose)
The fat of your belly melts effectively by regular practice of this yoga for flat belly. This is also beneficial for making the spinal cord flexible as well as it improves the health condition. Regular practice of Marjariasana yoga for a flat belly is also useful for lower area of the waist.
Source :- i.pinimg . com
Step By Step Instructions To Do Marjariasana:
- First, sit in Vajrasana
- Now keep both hands straight
- Now take a deep breath and take your head slightly backward and bend your waist towards the ground
- Get your stomach stretch as much as you can
- Hold your breath and keep this condition from 15 to 30 seconds
- Now breathe out and then take your waist upwards and keep the head between both hands
- Take a deep breath and keep this condition from 15 to 30 seconds
- Gradually increase the capacity and increase the time too
- Breathe back and then come back to the previous position
- Make this process 10 times
After doing every process, rest for 15 seconds. This posture is very stupendous to remove belly fat
If you are suffering from head injury then be very careful while performing this asana
Source :- img.scoop . it
Uttanpadasana (The Raised Leg Pose)
Step By Step Instructions To Do Uttanpadasana:
- First, lie down on the floor on your back and keep legs straight
- Keep both hands in the side of the body
- Then breathe deeply and then slowly lift your legs upwards
- Hold in this position for about 15 to 30 seconds
- Now try to straighten the legs straight down slowly
- Hold in this posture for 30 seconds
- Then slowly bring your feet back to the floor
- Make this seat 10 times in the beginning and then slowly increase it
The person who is recovering from the trauma and spinal injuries should not do this asana
Do not perform this asana during the menstruation