Yoga For Thyroid Management In India

Yoga For Thyroid Management In India

Yoga is a set of practices that help reduce stress and achieve an elevated spiritual and mental state. Some evidence suggests that yoga may influence the course of thyroid diseases – hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Can yoga practice be considered an additional method of treatment? So, see below some yoga for thyroid management In India.

Yoga For Thyroid Management In India:

Some yoga poses (asanas) have proven to be the most beneficial for thyroid diseases. The main thing that unites them is improving blood circulation in the throat and strengthening the neck muscles.

Practitioners emphasize that it is necessary to remain in this position as long as the person feels comfortable. Beginners can try 1-2 poses and then expand their practice.

By the way, all recommended yoga poses can be performed at home; all you need is a special mat and desire.


This yoga pose is similar to the “candle” exercise, but, of course, with a number of features. Researchers believe that this pose stimulates blood flow and thyroid function. To complete the exercise you need:


  • Lie on your back, place a towel under your shoulders;
  • Hands, palms down, are placed on the mat;
  • At the entrance, the legs rise up and stretch towards the ceiling, while resting on the shoulders;
  • The stomach should be pulled in;
  • The body and legs should form a straight line;
  • Breathing should be deep.


Known as the plow pose, it also stimulates the thyroid gland. The beginning of the exercise is the same as for Sarvangasana, only there is a continuation:


  • The legs move directly behind the head;
  • Toes touch the floor;
  • The lower back is supported by the arms;
  • Breathing deeply.

Cat-Cow Pose:

People suffering from thyroid problems should practice Cat Cow. It is beneficial in keeping the blood flow in the throat continuous.


  • To do this asana, first make an animal-like posture with the help of wrists and knees.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale.
  • This yoga should be done for 10 minutes daily.

Bridge Pose:

This pose is useful for strengthening the back and also stimulates blood flow to the thyroid gland. Need to:


  • Lie on your back;
  • Bend your knees, raise your hips;
  • Press your hands to the floor, they should be under the body;
  • Chin pressed to chest;
  • Breathing deeply.

Cobra Pose:

To get relief from thyroid problems, you can practice Cobra Pose. This asana is considered helpful in stimulating the throat and thyroid.


  • To perform the pose, you must:
  • Lie on your stomach, palms under your shoulders;
  • Move your elbows to the side;
  • Your head rises upward, gradually the chest lifts off the floor, and the back arches.


This asana is also called bridge pose. This yogasana is beneficial for strengthening the back and spine. Studies have shown that the practice of Setubandhasana can reduce the symptoms of thyroid.


  • To do this asana, lie on your back keep your feet shoulder-width apart, and bend your knees.
  • Now open your palms place your hands straight on the ground and lift your waist upwards while breathing in.
  • Exhale and come back to the previous position.

Wheel Pose:

This pose also stimulates the thyroid gland, and pituitary gland, and strengthens the arms, legs, and spine. The exercise is performed according to the following algorithm:


  • You need to lie on your back, knees bent;
  • Slowly raise your tailbone up;
  • Leaning with your hands, you need to arch your back and raise your head, your arms should be straight;
  • You need to stay in this position for 5-10 seconds, breathing deeply.

For experienced patients, a supporting position in the form of a headstand may be recommended.


It is important to remember that yoga is not a treatment method, it is just an additional way to control stress and possibly symptoms of illness. This is a useful practice that can be recommended by doctors, but cannot in any way replace treatment.