What Is Atha Yoga Anushasanam?

Atha Yoga Anushasanam

The first sutra (thread) collected in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, the authoritative text of yoga, is Atha Yoga Anushasanam. The Patanjali Yoga Sutras are a compilation of 196 Sanskrit sutras written between 500 BC and 400 AD by the Indian sage Patanjali that discuss the theory and practice of yoga. These “threads” of knowledge give us direction for leading a life that is meaningful and worthwhile. So, see below the meaning of Atha Yoga Anushasanam.

What Is Atha Yoga Anushasanam?

The 196 sutras, or brief aphoristic assertions, that make up the ancient Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are dated to approximately 400 BC and provide the techniques of the philosophical system of yoga. In essence, they are the foundation of this practice.

This wonderful literature has been read, translated, and discussed by many people, and even after all these years, it is still highly regarded. The aim of yoga is Samhadi (freedom), and practitioners of the discipline should be aware of the path that leads there. Patanjali provides us with the methods and instructions to achieve this objective in this literature.

Meaning Of Atha Yoga Anushasanam?

The opening line of the Yoga Sutras is “Atha Yoga Anuśāsanam” or “अथ योगानुशासनम्.”

Atha: Right now

Yoga: Union, comes from the root yuj, which means to unite or integrate.

Anu: Inside or adhering to a custom

Shasanam: Discipline, instruction, training, and practice

“Now the Teachings of Yoga Begin.” This sutra is incredibly powerful despite its seeming simplicity; the entire message is condensed into a single, brief sentence. All of humanity’s suffering and sorrow stem from contemplating previous events or from anticipating, fearing, and being anxious about what lies ahead. Give it some thought and you’ll see how much truth is concealed in it, how often something tragic occurs right now, or how something depressing occurs right now.

Maybe all we would need is the present moment if we could just be in it.

In order to fully understand what Patanjali is attempting to say, we must listen to him with both our minds and our hearts focused. If our minds are racing and we are not fully focused on what we are doing at the moment, then we will not be able to do so. Everything you have gone through up to this moment has been merely a means to get you to this open and prepared state. So make sure to give it the care that it needs!

Explanation Of Atha Yoga Anushasana:

Our physical body or body melts into atoms, while our soul permeates infinite and incredibly subtle forms. The practice of yoga is the process of integrating or awakening your innate divinity or higher self.

Learning to distinguish between your essence and your insight or awareness is a crucial component of yoga. You can fully submerge yourself in the light of perfect togetherness with its help.

You start to feel ecstasy or happiness the minute you realize your essence and complete union. This is the meaning of Atha Yoga Anushasanam. According to Patanjali’s teachings, this is how Atha Yoga Anushasanam starts.

The term “Anu” in Anushasana is an atom. “Instruction” is what an inscription means. In yoga, “oneness” refers to the union of the divine and the soul.

The sage Patanjali never employed language that lacked profundity. Each and every word he spoke had a purpose. One sutra from the Yoga Sutras can have so many ramifications that a book could be written about it. Patanjali, the sage, compiled and arranged the yoga teachings from numerous ancient traditions.

Atha Yoga Anusasana, the first of Patanjali’s teachings, signifies “now, the practice of yoga begins” and is the moment to divulge the yoga sutras. Patanjali tells us in the Atha Yoga Anusasana Sutra, “Yoga can be realized and experienced as a way of life.” If you are ready to delve deeply into your inner self, you can always find another perspective.

Past experiences can leave us feeling scared or depressed. Numerous life experiences unsettle us in the here and now, causing us to worry about the future. Our lives get increasingly unhappy, which leads to both physical and mental illness.

Patanjali says, “Life begins from this moment.” We encounter and see a lot of visually appealing items every day. But these are things we cannot completely enjoy. Our anxieties and phobias related to the past and present are the primary cause of this issue. This circumstance depresses and saddens you.

Every kind of nature around you contains all the information you require. Nature has the ability to expose and conceal. Our life now differs from what it was. It’s called the past because of this. You’re still plagued by anxiety and hopelessness over your past. You’re not at all concerned about the future.

That’s all it is—a guess. You experience anxiety and worry there. Your life grows increasingly terrible in this way. The English translation of “Atha Yoga Anushasanam” is a Yoga Sutra that teaches us how to free our minds from all worries and fears, both past and present.

You can live a balanced life and experience the delight of the moment by practicing Atha Yoga Anushasana. In order to make you joyful, serene, and calm—and ultimately to make your life beautiful and balanced—Sage Patanjali cordially welcomes you to go through the explanation of Atha Yoga Anushasana.


The significance of Now becomes an incredible tool when you go through a challenging time in your life. Try closing your eyes and returning to the present moment for a brief period of time while keeping your hands on your heart and your attention on your breathing. As a mantra, you can also repeat the sutra within yourself. You’ll come to the realization that perhaps your feelings aren’t that horrible.

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