Top 30 Amazing Seated Yoga Poses

Shashankasana/Sasakasana/Sasangasana or Rabbit Pose

Shashankasana/Sasakasana/Sasangasana or Rabbit Pose


Shashankasana is a basic dynamic forward-bowing stance that gives a delicate stretch while unwinding and invigorating the body and psyche. The name originates from the Sanskrit “shash”, signifying “bunny” or “hare”; “ank”, signifying “lap”; and “asana”, which signifies “posture” or “stance.” In English, it is known as rabbit present.

Shashankasana additionally invigorates the mind, in this way boosting memory and fixation and lessening weariness, outrage and enthusiastic unsteadiness.

Check out in details about Shashankasana here

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