Yoga For High BP | High Blood Pressure

Yoga for High BP

Are you concerned with your increased blood pressure level? If yes, then stop worrying because today we are going to tell you some yoga for high BP, which will be very beneficial for you to reduce BP. Yoga is a very beneficial therapy to control and also reduce hypertension naturally.

If you choose the right yoga postures, then this yoga for high BP can help in healing the sympathetic nervous system. Which is responsible for correcting hypertension and which closes the sympathetic nervous system used for the fight-or-flight response. Let us know the details of yoga for high BP in detail.

What Is High Blood Pressure


What Is High Blood Pressure?

High BP (high blood pressure, high blood pressure) is also called Hypertension. This in itself is a serious health problem, and if left untreated, high BP can lead to other serious diseases such as heart attacks. A healthy artery is made up of semi-flexible tissues and muscles and these arteries are spread through the blood when blood is pumped into them.

Blood pressure is the force of blood flowing through your arteries. The greater the force of blood, the greater the stretch in the arteries. When the force of blood flow is consistently high, the tissues that make up the arterial wall extend far beyond their border and become damaged.


The American Heart Association considers 120 to 80 to be standard blood pressure and blood pressure over 140 to 90 is called pre-hypertension which is very dangerous.

How Does Yoga Help With High Blood Pressure

How Does Yoga Help With High Blood Pressure?

Neither high nor low blood pressure is good for the body. The most important thing is to be balanced. How can you balance high and low blood pressure? This question comes to the mind of crores of people. The answer is you should practice yoga for high BP.

Yoga for high BP keeps blood pressure under control and also helps to relieve stress. Apart from this, it is also very important to have a healthy diet. Yoga asana calms the nerves and corrects the abnormal heart rate.

Yoga For High BP


Yoga For High BP

The best addition for high blood pressure is to rotate the spine in a horizontal position. This keeps the heart slow, due to which the heart does not have to work very hard to get blood to the brain.

The asanas given below will help in balancing hypertension. However, it is important that you do this yoga for high BP under the guidance of a trained expert. Apart from this, do this yoga for high BP in a relaxed and entertaining way.




The practice of Balasana (Child’s Pose) relieves stress and fatigue. It also keeps blood circulation normal.




You can do this Vajrasana (Diamond Pose or Thunderbolt pose) afternoon or even after dinner. It also helps in controlling obesity and thus increases blood flow to the lower abdominal parts.




Regular practice of Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend, or Intense Dorsal Stretch) helps reduce abdominal fat. It also acts as an effective stress reliever and keeps high BP normal.

Ardha Matsyendrasana


Ardha Matsyendrasana

Regularly practicing Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist Pose) can stimulate both the heart and nervous system, aiding in maintaining normal blood pressure levels.

Bandha Konasana


Bandha Konasana

If you practice Bandha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose Or Butterfly Pose) Stimulates the heart and leads to better circulation of blood throughout the body. It also relieves tension and nervousness.




The practice of Janushirasana (Head To Knee Pose) works well for abdominal fat and also helps in reducing fat. It helps in controlling blood pressure while reducing weight.




The practice of Virasana (Hero Pose) increases blood circulation around the feet and also helps in controlling blood pressure.

Ardha Halasana


Ardha Halasana

Performing Ardha Halasana (Half Plow Pose) on a daily basis reduces fat in thighs, abdomen, and hips. This yoga for High BP helps to control your high blood pressure.




Regular practice of Sukhasana (Easy Pose) reduces stress. This keeps the body and minds calm. It helps in reducing high blood pressure.




Regular practice of Shavasana (Corpse Pose) relieves stress, depression, and also fatigue. It is very helpful in giving rest and good sleep to the body. It stimulates blood circulation.