Best Yoga For Type 2 Diabetes India

Yoga For Type 2 Diabetes India

Can yoga practice help you with diabetes by controlling blood sugar? So let us tell you that there are some special yoga practices that can help you in controlling diabetes. Here see below some best yoga for type 2 diabetes India.

How Yoga Works In Diabetes?

According to the National Institute of Health, it increases the number of insulin receptors and increases the ratio of receptor binding.

Practicing yoga improves digestion, circulation, and immunity, as well as keeps all the nervous and internal organs active.

Regular practice of yoga is beneficial for the body in various ways making you feel more energetic, as well as it works effectively in other lifestyle disorders like diabetes.

Yoga For Type 2 Diabetes India:

There are different types of diabetes such as type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Stress, sitting for long periods of time, consumption of alcohol and smoking as well as other lifestyle mistakes are responsible for this. Everyone is advised to pay attention to diet to control diabetes. Here are some effective yoga poses to control diabetes.

Spinal Twist

Spinal Twist:

Spinal twist stimulates the organs in the lower abdomen which can help in lowering blood sugar levels. It is also very beneficial for stiffness and pain in the spine. It also benefits the back and waist areas. It creates movement in your digestive system and helps them to remain completely relaxed. This is one of the yoga for type 2 Diabetes India.


  • Sit with both legs straight in front of the body.
  • Bend the right leg and place it on the ground outside the left leg near the knee.
  • Bend the left leg and place it below or near the buttocks.
  • Now place your left hand or elbow on the right knee, and slowly turn your face towards the right shoulder.
  • Remain in this posture for a while, then do the same on the other side.


The bow pose works effectively in case of diabetes. The practice of this yoga also relaxes the abdominal muscles. It is a great stress buster and also provides relief from fatigue. This is one of the yoga for type 2 Diabetes India.


  • To come into the posture of Dhanurasana, first, lie down on your stomach.
  • Bend your knees and bring them near your waist, then hold both ankles with both your hands.
  • Now try to lift your head, chest, and thighs upwards.
  • During this, put the entire weight of your body on the lower part of the stomach.
  • At the same time, hold your feet and create a forward stretch in the body.
  • Keeping in mind the physical capacity, remain in this posture for about 15-20 seconds.
  • Then exhale, place your chest and feet on the surface, and relax. After that repeat it again.


This asana tones your stomach and pelvic floor and can be effective in diabetes. This is one of the yoga for type 2 Diabetes India.


  • Sit on the ground with both legs straight.
  • Try not to leave any gap between the legs and try to keep the legs straight.
  • Keep the neck, head, and spine straight. Then place both palms on both knees.
  • Now bend your head and torso forward and try to touch the toes with the fingers of the hands without bending the knees.
  • After this, take a deep breath and exhale slowly.
  • Try to touch your head and forehead with both knees.
  • Exhale completely and remain in this posture for a few seconds.
  • After a few seconds, straighten your body.
  • Now breathe normally and repeat this posture 3 to 4 times.


This exercise relaxes your body and also promotes the production of insulin-producing beta cells. Not only does this, provide relief from neck pain, but it is also helpful with stress and fatigue. This is one of the yoga for type 2 Diabetes India.


  • First of all, sit in the Vajrasana posture.
  • Keep the spine straight.
  • While breathing, take both the hands upwards.
  • Now exhale and bend the upper part of the waist i.e. the house forward.
  • Bend both the hands forward as well.
  • Remain in this position for a few seconds and then return to normal position.
  • Repeat this posture about 10 times.
  • Do not practice this yoga immediately after eating food. Keep a gap of at least 5 to 6 hours.

Mountain Pose:

Mountain Pose i.e. Tadasana yoga is considered very beneficial for diabetes patients. This is one of the yoga for type 2 Diabetes India.


  • To do this yoga, first of all, stand up straight, and keep the hands straight.
  • Take a deep breath raise both hands above the head and stretch by joining the fingers together.
  • Keep the weight of the body on the toes.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds.

Child Pose Yogasana:

Child Pose i.e. Balasana yoga is considered very beneficial to reduce the complications of diabetes. This is one of the yoga for type 2 Diabetes India.


  • To do this yoga, sit in Vajrasana on the mat.
  • Now while inhaling, raise both hands straight above the head.
  • While exhaling, bend forward and rest the palms and head on the ground.
  • Take a long breath in and exhale.
  • Join the fingers of both hands together and place the head gently between the two palms.

Kapalbhati Pranayama:

Daily practice of Kapalbhati Pranayama is considered especially beneficial for diabetes patients. Kapalbhati Pranayama helps in increasing the oxygen level in the body and reduces many types of complications. This is one of the yoga for type 2 Diabetes India.


  • To do this asana, first of all, sit carefully keeping the body straight.
  • After this, take a deep breath.
  • Now release it quickly from the nose, and while jerking, move the stomach inwards.
  • While exhaling, there will be a sound of a ‘shake’ from the nose.
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