Yoga For Belly Fat Loss: Get A Toned Belly With Yoga

If you are suffering from belly fat then you need to take care of some necessary yoga for reducing your stubborn belly fat. To reduce the belly fat you need to practice yoga for belly fat loss every day.


Yoga for belly fat loss is not less than a boon but it is necessary that you do these Yoga Asanas regularly and on time.

Yoga For Belly Fat Loss

Let’s check out the yoga for belly fat loss below. These yoga Asanas are like a boon for losing not only the belly fat but also to reduce obesity. However, to get the most benefits out of these yoga Asanas, you need to practice them regularly on time. Here is the yoga for belly fat loss:

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation):

Surya Namaskar is a confluence of 12 Asanas. All these Asanas help to benefit the whole body. Bending back and forth leads to a stretch in the body, while deep breathing causes the toxic substances of the body to emerge. Regular practice of this yoga for belly fat loss brings handful number of health benefits.

Step By Step Instructions To Do Surya Namaskar

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Step By Step Instructions To Do Surya Namaskar:

  • First of all, join your legs, stand straight, widen the chest and relax the shoulders
  • When you take a breath, keep both of your hands straight on your side
  • When you leave your breath, bring your hands in front of your chest and keep the hands in the state of prayer
  • Now breathe and take both hands upwards and then stretch towards the back
  • Then breathe in and bend towards the front and then put the forehead on the knees
  • Now fold the left knee, take the right foot back and keep palms on the ground
  • Hold the breath and then stretch the left foot too (This is called Plank Stage)
  • Now come to the ground and make the spinal cord toward the outside
  • In addition, your knee, chest, and chin must be on the ground
  • Now take a breath and take your head after lying down and take your head towards the back
  • After this, your hands should be on the floor, breathe out and tilt your torso forward and move the hips away
  • Then take a breath and bring your left foot forward (your elbows should be straight and head backward)
  • Now bring your other leg forward too and place your head on the knee
  • Then stand upright and stretch your torso and arm backward
  • Then come back to your previous position


  • Those who have spinal problems, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, do not try it
  • Pregnant women talk to your doctor before doing this posture
  • During the period women should not do Surya Namaskar (sun salutation)

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

In this Paschimottanasana (seated forward bend), the belly, trunk, thighs, and hip are also stretch so it helps to reduce the fat. It is also beneficial for those who have problems with digestion. This reduces stress and helps to remove stomach fat.

Step By Step Instructions To Do Paschimottanasana

Source :- fizikamind . in

Step By Step Instructions To Do Paschimottanasana:

  • At first, sit on the floor in Sukasana or Padmasana
  • Now keep your waist straight and keep your legs straight
  • Then take a deep breath and take your hands upright
  • The waist should be straightforward
  • Now breathe out and bend towards the thighs
  • Then take your hands towards the feet
  • Place your head on the knee
  • For this posture, beginners can touch the ankle or just the leg
  • When you touch your toes once, tilt the toes backward
  • Stay in this condition for 60 to 90 seconds
  • Then slowly keep up to five minutes and then increase as much time as possible
  • Come back to the previous position
  • Repeat this asana 10 times in the beginning and then slowly increase the time


  • If you are suffering from asthma and diarrhea, do not do this yoga for belly fat loss
  • People who have spinal disk problems or have stomach surgeries; they should not do this posture

Padahastasana (Hands to Feet Pose)

The lower area of the stomach presses forward while bending which causes fat burning from the belly. Thus suppressing the belly, this asana helps to tone the stomach. It improves your digestion, tone muscles of the stomach. This yoga for belly fat loss also relaxes you both physically and mentally.

Step By Step Instructions To Do Padahastasana

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Step By Step Instructions To Do Padahastasana:

  • First of all, stand in Tadasana pose and keep both of your hands on both sides of your body
  • Keep your spinal cord straight
  • Take a quick breath and take your hands upwards
  • When you leave your breath, tilt your torso forward
  • Breathe and lean forward and bow down completely
  • Try to touch the floor with your hands and do not bend your knees down
  • Those who are doing this posture from the beginning can keep the hands on ankles or feet
  • Hold the breath and stay for 60 to 90 seconds in this position
  • Now leave the breath and then leave the feet and come back again in Tadasana
  • Repeat this posture 10 times


  • After doing this procedure twice, take 10 seconds gap
  • There are many variations in this yoga for belly fat loss, such as holding your ankles, placing your palms under the feet etc.
  • Those who have spinal disk problems do not do this posture

Pawanmuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose)

This chair aids in alleviating various stomach issues, including indigestion and constipation. When your knee exerts pressure on the stomach in this position, maintaining it for more than a minute can facilitate the burning of fat in that region. Additionally, it enhances the strength of the waist and stomach muscles, promotes improved digestion, and expels gas. Furthermore, practicing this asana contributes to toning the muscles in the legs and shoulders.

Step By Step Instructions to Do Pawanmuktasana

Source :- rishikulyogshala . org

Step By Step Instructions to Do Pawanmuktasana:

  • First, lie on the floor on your back
  • Keep your legs together
  • Now take a deep breath and bring both legs towards the chest
  • Hold the feet with your hands and try to make pressure on the stomach
  • Keep breathing and leave and keep your chin on your knees
  • Keep this condition for 60 to 90 seconds
  • Slowly straighten your legs
  • And leave the body absolutely loose and relax for a few seconds
  • Make this posture 7 to 10 times


  • Gap 15 seconds to redo the process
  • Those who are new to this yoga for belly fat loss, first use one leg in this asana
  • Pregnant women should not try this asana
  • People who are suffering from spinal problems stay away from this asana
  • Who has trouble with blood pressure do not do this yoga for belly fat loss

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Tadasana is a method of warm, so start your yoga pose with Tadasana. It improves the circulation of blood, which makes the body prepare for other poses. This yoga for belly fat loss also stimulates hips and stomach as well as strengthens the thighs, knees, and ankles.

Step By Step Instructions To Do Tadasana

Source :- cdn2.hercampus . com

Step By Step Instructions To Do Tadasana:

  • First of all, join your feet and stand straight
  • Make your hands straight, and put the palms of your hands in front of the body
  • Now bring both of your hands straight toward the front and then take them over your head
  • Push hands as much as you can
  • Look upwards to the sky
  • Breathe in a normal way and keep this posture from 20 to 30 seconds
  • Take a deep breath and leave
  • Repeat this stage 10 times


  • You can do this asana by bringing different changes even in the shoulder state
  • People who are troubled with blood pressure, insomnia and headache are advised to stay away from this yoga for belly fat loss

Your increased belly affects your physical beauty as well as your health. If you are having obesity for a long time, you may have a chronic illness like cholesterol, diabetes, heart problems. So if you are just a little aware of your health then start taking measures for your growing belly right away and practice this above-mentioned yoga for belly fat loss regularly on time.


Q. Does Yoga Helps In Belly Fat Loss?

A. Yes, yoga helps in belly fat loss. Yoga is the safest way to lose belly fat. There are many yoga poses that help to lose belly fats. To know which are those yoga poses read here more…

Q. Which Yoga Helps The Most For Belly Fat Loss?

A. There are many yoga poses that help to lose belly fat without any side effects. To know which are those yoga poses read here more.

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