Poses Of Yoga For Stress And Depression Reduction


yoga for stress and depression

Source :- secessionnews . com

Depression is a common and serious mood disorder that affects your thoughts, feelings, and how you handle daily life. Stress is one of the causes of depression. Nowadays most peoples are leading a stressful lifestyle, which leads them to depression. Work stress and depression can be cut down by practicing yoga. There are various kinds of yoga poses that are mainly practiced to reduce stress and depression. So let’s know which are poses yoga for stress and depression. See below to know more about this.

Poses Of Yoga For Stress And Depression:

Yoga is a healthy practice in our life. It has many health benefits. Practicing yoga daily can give you a healthy and peaceful life. So, let’s know which are the poses yoga for stress and depression and obsessive compulsive disorder.

Balasana or Child Pose

Balasana or Child’s Pose For Mental Health:

Balasana or Child’s Pose is one of the coziest poses of yoga for stress and depression. This yoga calms your brain and relieves stress and overcoming anxiety. This yoga stretches your lower back gently which makes your body relax and also helps to reduce stress.

Sethu Bandhasana or Bridge Pose:

Sethu Bandhasana or Bridge Pose is one of the great yoga for stress and depression. This yoga gives a gentle massage to your lower back and spine which helps to reduce stress. This is the best yoga for peoples who have neck or shoulder problems should practice this yoga in everyday life for relieving anxiety.

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana or Upward-Facing Dog Pose:

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana or Upward-Facing Dog Pose is one of the great poses of yoga for stress and depression. This yoga helps in blood circulation to your brain that makes your body to be peaceful and calm and also relieves stress and depression. This yoga session is very good for relieving anxiety.

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward-Facing Dog Pose

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward-Facing Dog Pose:

Stress and Depression can be reduced by Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward-Facing Dog Pose. This yoga asana is very good to calm down your nerves which helps to reduce stress and depression. Practice yoga therapy for complete relaxation in spinal muscles.

Halasana or Plow Pose:

Halasana or Plow Pose is a yoga asana that helps to reduce stress and depression. Halasana is a great pose that calms down your nervous system and relaxes your muscles. In this yoga, legs stretched which helps to reduce anxiety and gives your mind complete relaxation.

Uttanasana or Standing Forward Fold Pose:

Uttanasana or Standing Forward Fold Pose is another yoga asana to cut down depression. This yoga pose calms down your mind and soul and also helps you to be anxiety-free.

Savasana or Corpse Pose:

Savasana or Corpse Pose is the one yoga asana that relaxes your body the most. Corpse pose helps to relax and calm your body and mind. In this position, your body gets the rest that heals your body and also reduces depression and stress, and anxiety.

Suryanamaskar or Sun Salutation:

Surya Namaskar, also known as Sun Salutation, comprises a series of yoga poses that contribute significantly to overall well-being. These postures not only promote general health but also possess the potential to alleviate various health issues and support the nervous system. Engaging in Surya Namaskar proves highly beneficial, offering relief from stress and depression.

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Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose:

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose is one of the yoga poses to reduce stress and depression. This yoga asana gives a gentle massage to your back and spine which relieves tension and improves blood circulation to your body. Practice this in yoga class to reduce high blood pressure.

Dhanurasana or Bow pose:

Dhanurasana or Bow pose is a great pose of yoga that helps to reduce stress and depression. Bow pose helps to release tension from joints and also improves blood circulation that releases stress and depression.

Ustrasana or Camel Pose:

While talking about yoga for stress and depression Ustrasana or camel pose is one of the yoga poses that reduce stress and depression. Ustrasana calms down your mind and also makes you peaceful which helps to cut depression.

Tadasana or Mountain Pose:

Tadasana or Mountain Pose the great yoga pose that helps to reduce stress and depression. Tadasana clams down your mind that reduces stress hormone and panic disorder. Practicing Tadasana regularly can reduce depression.

So, these are the yoga postures that help to cut down depression and also make you happy, and gives you a healthy life.