Top 5 Benefits of Kati Chakrasana for a Healthy Spine

Doing yoga in the morning and evening not only keeps you physically healthy but also gives you mental peace. This infuses new energy in your body and you can feel stress-free. Kati chakrasana helps in the development of your muscles and calms the brain. Apart from this, it also strengthens your legs. In this article, we are going to tell you about the benefits of Kati Chakrasana.

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Benefits of Kati Chakrasana:

The benefits of Kati Chakrasana are…

  • With the help of Kati chakrasana, you can make your waist flexible. This stretches the muscles and can reduce waist fat. You can also do this to lose weight.
  • You can practice this asana to strengthen the lungs. By repeatedly breathing in and out, the lungs expand and contract, which supplies more oxygen to the body and expels carbon dioxide.
  • If spinal pain troubles you frequently, then you should practice this yogasana. This can relieve your back and spinal pain.
  • Kati chakrasana can also be very beneficial for the digestive system. It does not cause indigestion and gas problems.
  • The muscles of the legs become stronger and the bones can also become stronger.

How To Do Kati Chakrasana:

The steps to do Kati Chakrasana are…

  • Stand with both feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Raise your hands in front of your chest and keep your palms facing each other.
  • While exhaling, rotate your hands backward on the left side of your body.
  • Bend your body from the waist and move your arms backward as much as possible.
  • While rotating to the left, keep your left hand straight, the elbow should not bend here.
  • After staying in the asana as long as you can, return and do the same on the right side.
  • Do it three to four times on both sides.


Regularly practicing yoga strengthens your immunity and you are able to focus better on your work throughout the day and feel very energetic. But today we are going to tell you about such an asana, by practicing which you can reduce your waist fat and get relief from increasing weight. It makes you strong and agile from within.