Breathing Techniques in Kati Chakrasana: Enhance Your Yoga Practice

The importance of yoga is mentioned in our Vedas and literature. By doing yoga, not only the biggest diseases can be driven away but happiness can also be brought into your life. Regular practice of yoga asanas keeps the body healthy and the mind calm. Although there are many yogas whose practice is beneficial, today we are telling you about such yoga which gives relief from back pain to the problem of increasing weight. Today we will tell you about breathing in Kati Chakrasana.

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Meaning of Kati Chakrasana?

To know what is Kati Chakrasana, you have to break down this word. Kati Chakrasana is made up of two words – Kati which means waist and Chakra which means wheel. In this asana, the waist has to be twisted to the right and left i.e. rotated. While doing this, the waist rotates like a wheel, hence it is named Kati Chakra.

Breathing In Kati Chakrasana:

While practicing this yogasana, the waist is rotated to the right and left, so this yogasana is named Kati Chakrasana.

  • To do this asana, first, stand straight and keep a distance of one and a half to two feet between both feet.
  • Now spread both the hands in line with the shoulders.
  • After this, place the left hand on the right shoulder and bring the right hand from behind to the left.
  • Now turn the face and bring it in line with the left shoulder.
  • Stand in this position for some time.
  • When you have rotated well, maintain this position and then come back to the middle while breathing.
  • This is half a cycle. Now do the same process on the right side.
  • During this asana, keep in mind that while rotating the waist, the knees should not be bent and the feet should also be kept in one place.
  • Keep in mind that if there is pain in the waist, then this asana should not be practiced.

Benefits of Kati Chakrasana:

If you do Kati Chakrasana scientifically and follow the method mentioned above, then you can get a lot of benefits from its practice. Some important benefits are being described here.

  • Regular practice of this asana helps in reducing weight. Extra fat in the body can be reduced by practicing this asana.
  • Katichakrasana is beneficial in diabetes.
  • If this asana is done daily, then many stomach problems can be got rid of. It also relieves constipation and gas problems.
  • Katichakrasana is also beneficial for respiratory diseases.
  • Women who want to reduce the shape of their waist should practice this asana daily. This asana is also done to make the waist slim.
  • By practicing this asana daily, the stomach remains healthy and the digestive power also remains fine.
  • Regular practice of Katichakrasana strengthens many parts of the body. Such as shoulders, neck, waist, thighs, and hands.