How Kati Chakrasana Improves Digestion: Yoga for a Healthy Gut

These days the lifestyle of people has changed a lot. From workload to daily rush, people’s ways of living are changing rapidly. Due to the constantly changing lifestyle, many habits of people are also getting spoiled. Wrong eating habits and time often make one a victim of many stomach-related problems. In such a situation, it is important to take the right steps to improve your digestion. So, in this article let’s know Kati Chakrasana for digestion.

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How Kati Chakrasana Improves Digestion?

A weak digestive system is very harmful for our overall health. This is because our digestive system determines how healthy we will be physically and mentally. This is because whatever we eat, it depends on the digestion of food to get full benefit to our body. The better our digestion is, the more we will be able to get maximum benefit from food.

But nowadays we see that many people are facing this problem that they are not able to digest food properly, as soon as they eat something heavy, fast food or any outside food, then after some time, they get problems like bloating, gas in the stomach, indigestion, nausea, heartburn, etc. Which in some cases also becomes very serious after some time.

Such problems show that your digestive system is not healthy and it is not doing its job properly. To get rid of weak digestion and stomach-related problems, people keep consuming various types of powders and medicines. Whereas these can be got rid of naturally and the digestive system can be strengthened.

Are you wondering how? So let us tell you that yoga can prove to be a panacea for all your digestive problems. Yes, you read it right! If you do regular exercise along with a healthy diet, then you can keep your digestion healthy and strong.

Yoga is a practice that has been keeping people away from many problems and diseases for many years. Yoga can help you a lot in living a healthy life. Yoga is also very helpful in improving digestion. Let us know about some such asanas, which promote good digestion.

Kati Chakrasana for Digestion:

It is easy to do Kati Chakrasana. People who do not know how to do it can also learn it easily and quickly. People of almost all ages can do it. You just need to stand straight while doing it. Let us know in detail about the method of doing Kati Chakrasana –

  • After standing straight, join both the feet.
  • At this time the spine should be straight and so should the shoulders.
  • Now separate the feet and make them equal to the shoulders.
  • While breathing in, both hands have to be placed in front.
  • At this time, the palms of both hands should be facing each other.
  • Make sure that both hands are shoulder-width apart and the palms are shoulder-width apart.
  • Now, after taking a long deep breath, exhale.
  • While exhaling, twist the waist to the right, so much so that the back can be seen easily.
  • Stay in this position for as long as possible.
  • Keep breathing at a normal pace at this time.
  • The feet should be on the ground, this gives the right twist. Now, release yourself and repeat the same process on the left side.