How to Do Kati Chakrasana Safely: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Kati Chakrasana Yoga is a very good asana for the waist. Regular practice of this asana reduces waist fat and increases its flexibility. Apart from the waist, it is a good exercise for the hands and shoulders, that is, the entire upper body. Along with keeping the body in shape, it also keeps the body healthy from the inside. Let us know how to do Kati Chakrasana.

Kati Chakrasana Steps for Beginners:

Doing this yoga not only removes laziness but also makes the body feel light. This yoga reduces waist fat but also removes the problem of constipation and gas. It also takes care of the health of the kidneys, liver, intestines, and pancreas. So, see below how to do Kati Chakrasana.

Step 1:

For Katichakrasana, stand straight on the mat. Keep the distance between both feet as per the shoulders. Then keep both the hands on the right and left side of the body.

Step 2:

While breathing in, raise both hands towards the front and bring them in line with the shoulders. Keep both the palms facing each other.

Step 3:

Then while exhaling, while rotating from the waist area towards the right, take both hands towards your right side. Do not let the feet rotate i.e. keep them fixed in one place.

Step 4:

Try to touch the right shoulder with the left hand. During this, keep your eyes on the thumb of the right hand. Rotate as much as possible towards the right according to your capacity, try to pull the hands backward.

Step 5:

Try to stay in this position for as long as it is possible to hold your breath.

Step 6:

While breathing in, slowly come back to the middle i.e. come to the initial position.

Step 7:

While exhaling, rotate towards your left, the right hand should touch the left shoulder, and keep the eyes on the thumb of the left hand.

Step 8:

Breathe in and slowly come back to the center.

Step 9:

Thus one cycle of the asana is completed. Complete 2-3 cycles in this manner and then rest.

Benefits of Kati Chakrasana:

  • By practicing this asana, the fat accumulated on the waist can be easily reduced and it can be made flexible.
  • The stiffness of the spine is removed, which is often a problem for people with long-sitting jobs.
  • This asana is also effective in relieving constipation.
  • Along with the waist, the hands and legs also get good exercise.
  • The muscles of the neck, shoulders, stomach, and back become strong.

Precaution Of Doing Kati Chakrasana:

  • In this asana, only the upper body has to be moved. The lower body has to be kept in its place.
  • Do this asana only on an empty stomach.
  • Do not force yourself otherwise, there may be muscle injury.
  • Do not do this asana if you have back or neck pain.