Best Yoga For Type 1 Diabetes India

Best Yoga For Type 1 Diabetes India

A good start to the day makes the whole day better. If we live a healthy lifestyle every day, then every day of our life will become wonderful. But today most people struggle with some health issue or the other. Diabetes is the most common of these and it is spreading rapidly. So, here are some best yoga for type 1 diabetes India.

Yoga For Type 1 Diabetes India:

The problem of diabetes is usually caused by weak metabolism. If it is not worked upon with time, it acts to increase the blood sugar level more. There are three types of diabetes. In which type 1 diabetes reduces or stops the production of insulin in the pancreas.

In such a situation, in case of diabetes problems, along with medicine, it becomes very important to have a correct lifestyle and exercise or yoga. Many yoga asanas can easily reduce the increasing sugar level in diabetes. Today we will learn about such yoga asanas through wellness expert Manish Kohli. Manisha is telling us which asanas should be done by diabetes patients. Also, in what kind of situation one should keep a distance from yoga asanas. If you want to know about these yoga asanas, then see below yoga for type 1 Diabetes India.


Halasana is a classic yoga pose. It involves lying on your back and taking the legs behind your head. The body position in this pose becomes plow-shaped. According to yoga experts, practicing Halasana yoga is considered helpful in increasing blood circulation, improving blood pressure and reducing blood sugar levels. This is one of the yoga for type 1 diabetes India.


  • For Halasana, lie down on your back on the ground.
  • Inhale and take both your legs straight up to 90 degrees.
  • After this, support your waist and hips with your hands.
  • After this, try to take your legs straight backward from above the head. Touch the ground with your feet and keep the legs straight.
  • Remain in this posture for some time and then go back to the resting posture.
    You can repeat this asana 3 to 5 times.


Shoulder stand or Sarvangasana is a yoga pose in which the whole body is balanced on the shoulders. Sarvangasana is a full body exercise that works on multiple muscle groups and helps you achieve better body balance, better posture and calmness. By practicing this asana regularly, you can give a great boost to your health. This is one of the yoga for type 1 diabetes India.


  • While doing this asana, first lie down on your back on the ground.
  • After this, lift your legs, waist, and hips upwards with the help of your shoulders.
  • Support your waist with your hands so that balance is maintained.
  • Focus your attention on the shoulders and feel that the entire weight is on the upper weight of the shoulders and hands.
  • During this, do not put any kind of pressure on your head and neck. Let them be free.
  • Let your legs go as far upwards as possible.
  • After this, come into a relaxed posture and relax.
  • Now repeat this asana as much as possible according to your ability.


Pavanmuktasana is an asana that is known for stomach treatment. While practising this asana provides relief in gas and constipation problems, the breathing process in this asana is also very beneficial in curing cold. It is also easy to lose weight by practising this asana, hence this asana should be practised regularly. This is one of the yoga for type 1 diabetes India.


  • To do this asana, first lie down on your back.
  • Now bend both your legs towards the body with the help of your hands.
  • Inhale and then bring your right knee towards your chest exhale and press the thigh on your stomach with your hands.
  • After this, lift your head and chest upwards and touch your chin to the right knee.
  • Pause for a few moments and inhale and exhale.
  • Then exhale completely and come down to a relaxed position.
  • Then repeat this asana with your other leg. You can do this asana 3 to 5 times.


The origin of Purvottanasana is derived from the Sanskrit words Purva and Uttan. Which literally means to pull towards the east. In this yogasana, Purva does not mean the direction but the front parts of the body.

In simple words, the front parts of the body have to be stretched in Purvottanasana. Actually, in Purvottanasana, the first i.e. upper part of the body is lifted upwards with the help of palms. Therefore, this asana is known as Upward Plank Pose in English. This is one of the yoga for type 1 diabetes India.


  • First of all, sit with your legs stretched forward.
  • Now place your hands on the ground.
  • After this, keep your hands 30 cm behind the hips. In this, your elbows should not bend.
  • Now lift your body by keeping the fingers of your hands towards the hips.
  • Now keep the weight of your body equal on the feet and hands and maintain balance.
  • Let your head hang backward.
  • Now come down slowly while exhaling.
  • You can repeat this asana as many times as you can.


Medicines do work in diabetes, but yoga is also a good way to control it. Although many yoga asanas are done for diabetes, not everyone can do them due to difficult steps. If you are also one of these people, then do not do difficult asanas for diabetes, but do the simplest asanas. The name of this asana is “Mandukasana”. It is also called Frog Asana. While doing this, you can control your sugar even after eating sweets. This is one of the yoga for type 1 diabetes India.


  • To do Mandukasana, first of all sit on your knees or in Vajrasana.
  • Now close the fists of your hands tightly and keep the thumbs inward.
  • Now place both the closed fists above the navel.
  • After this, take a breath and take the body forward while exhaling.
  • The entire weight of the body will be on the thighs and your neck will be straight towards the front.
  • Stay in this position for some time and come back to Vajrasana while breathing.


Paschimottanasana is one of the important yoga asanas, which is made up of two Sanskrit words “Paschim” and “Uttan”. In Paschimottanasana, Paschim refers to the back of the body (back, etc.) and Uttan means a stretch. In English, it is known as “Seated Forward Bend”. Paschimottanasana is an intermediate-level yoga asana, which can be done even by beginners after taking some training. This is one of the yoga for type 1 diabetes India.


  • To do this asana, first spread your legs in front.
  • After this, slowly bend forward and breathe, and try to hold the toe with your hands or go as far forward as you can.
  • Now try to keep your head on the knees and stay in this position for some time.

Setu Bandha Asana:

Setubandhasana is named after two words: “Setu” and “Bandh”. Setu means bridge and Bandh means to tie. In this asana, you tie or stop your body in a bridge posture, hence the name “Setubandhasana”. This is one of the yoga for type 1 diabetes India.


  • To do this asana, first lie down on your back.
  • Now bend your knees upwards and keep the soles on the ground. Keep in mind that your ankles and knees will be directly below each other.
  • Now hold the ankles of your feet with both your hands.
  • After this, breathe and lift your body upwards.
  • In this, your shoulders, legs neck, and head will remain on the ground.
  • Now breathe and exhale.
  • Stay in this posture for a minute or two.
  • After this, exhale and come back to a relaxed posture.


One needs to be cautious not from diabetes but from the complications of diabetes. Due to uncontrolled diabetes, nerves start getting damaged. So, practice this yoga to control type 1 diabetes India.

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