Pawanmuktasana | Gas Release Pose Steps



Sanskrit Name: Pawanmuktasana (पवनमुक्तासन)

English Name: Gas Release Pose

Style of Yoga: Vinyasa

Level of Yoga: Basic

Duration: As per your capability or 10 to 30 seconds

Target Area: Abdomen, Arms, Lower Back

Strengthens: Digestive System, Back, Reproductive System

Pawanmuktasana helps to tone the belly and waist muscles. Patients suffering from problems of indigestion are usually advised to do Gas Release Pose. Although initially there is some difficulty in doing this posture, however, with regular practice, you can practice this asana very easily.

What Does It Mean By Pawanmuktasana (Gas Release Pose)?

Gas Release Pose


Pawanmuktasana is composed of 3 words of Sanskrit, where

The first word is “Pawan (पवन)”, which means “GAS or Wind”

The second word is “Mukta (मुक्त)”, which means “Release”

And the third word is “Asana (आसन)”, which means “Yoga Pose”.

As the name Pawanmuktasana implies, this seat helps in extracting unnecessary gas from the digestive tract. Therefore it is called Gas Release Pose in English. Gas Release Pose is an excellent posture that is considered very important for good digestion.

In this article, we have explained the methods of doing the posture of Pawanmuktasana (Gas Release Pose). As well as, we have mentioned its preparatory poses, follow-up poses, beginner’s tips, precautions, and benefits. Let’s check out below.

Preparatory Poses Of Pawanmuktasana (Gas Release Pose):

Method Of Doing Pawanmuktasana (Gas Release Pose):

Method Of Doing Pawanmuktasana


At first, lie down on the floor in the Shavasana posture

Fold your knees and bring them as close as possible to the stomach.

Now exhaling try to touch the chest with your knees with the help of your hand, means hold your knees with your hand and pull them nearer to your chest

After this, lift your head above the ground and try to touch the nose with the knee.

After lifting the head & shoulders upward and touching the nose with the knees or place your nose in the middle of the knees

Stay in this posture for 10 to 30 seconds and slowly stop breathing

Repeat this posture 3 to 5 times

Beginner’s Tips:

pawanmuktasana beginner's Tips


Typically, practitioners fold both knees together, intertwining the fingers and placing them on the knees of both legs. However, if bringing both knees simultaneously poses a challenge, you can also perform this posture by bringing one knee at a time.

Do all the steps of Pawanmuktasana very carefully and do not make any changes in this posture from your side. To take out the gas from the digestive system, it is important to practice all the steps of Pawanmuktasana in order.

Follow-up Pose Of Pawanmuktasana (Gas Release Pose):

Precautions To Take While Practicing Pawanmuktasana:

Precautions To Take While Practicing Pawanmuktasana


If you are suffering from stomach ulcer then you should not do Gas Release Pose or Wind Release Pose

People who suffer from back pain and pain in the waist should avoid practicing the Pavanmuktasana i.e. Gas Release Pose

If you have high blood pressure, menstrual problems and neck pain then you must be careful about doing Gas Release Pose.

Pregnant women should avoid this asana

If you have chest pain or there is an old injury in the neck, avoid this posture.

Benefits of Pawanmuktasana (Gas Release Pose):

Benefits of Pawanmuktasan


Beneficial for Women

This is a posture that women must do. Especially women suffering from uterine problems are advised to perform this asana. This asana helps in curing diseases associated with the uterus. This asana is also beneficial in improving fertility.

Beneficial for Back Pain

If you have a disease of sciatica or have pain in back and trouble in a Slipped disc, then you should practice this asana daily.

Reduces Arthritis Problem

This asana is also beneficial for those who are suffering from acidity, arthritis pain and heart problems. This asana is also very helpful in reducing the unwanted fat of the stomach.

Beneficial for Intestine

Performing this asana makes the intestine more active and this asana helps to keep the intestine away from many disorders. Apart from this, the liver also performs its function properly by doing this asana.

Other Benefits of Pawanmuktasana:

  1. This asana makes the body light
  2. Gas Release Pose is also very beneficial in removing gastric disorders
  3. It is also beneficial in heart disease, cystic, arthritis, etc.
  4. Doing this posture removes the strain on the spinal cord and the lower part of the waist
  5. By massaging reproductive organs and pelvic muscles, it’s also useful in the treatment of sterility, menstrual problems, and impotence.
  6. This posture also works to strengthen the muscles
  7. It strengthens the muscles of the hands and feet and provides strength to the muscles of the stomach and back.
  8. Regular practice of this posture is also good in transmitting blood in the body
  9. Along with this the lungs are healthy and work smoothly too with the regular practice of Gas Release Pose
  10. It massages the stomach and digestive organs and is therefore very effective in removing gas and constipation in the stomach.


Q. What is the benefit of Pawanmuktasana?

A. It massages the stomach and digestive organs and is therefore very effective in removing gas and constipation in the stomach. Know other benefits here…

Q. What do you mean by Pawanmuktasana?

A. Pawanmuktasana is composed of 3 words of Sanskrit, where

The first word is “Pawan (पवन)”, which means “GAS”

The second word is “Mukta (मुक्त)”, which means “Release”

And the third word is “Asana (आसन)”, which means “Yoga Pose”.

Q. When should we do Pawanmuktasana/Pavanamuktasana?

A. It is always advised to practice any type of yoga in the morning or in the evening. But remember one thing… that you must not perform this just after your meal.

Q. How do you perform Pavanamuktasana?

A. Usually, both knees are folded together and interlocking the fingers of the hands and putting them on the knees of both legs. But, if you face difficulty in bringing both knees at once, you can also practice this asana by bringing one knee at once.

Q. What is the English name of Pawanmuktasana?

A. The English name of Pavanamuktasana is Gas Release Pose

Q. What Are The Precautions For Pawanmuktasana?

A. If you are suffering from stomach ulcer then you should not do Pawanmuktasana (Gas Release Pose). Let’s know in detail here…

Q. Can Pregnant women practice Pawanmuktasana?

A. NO…Pregnant women should avoid this asana

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