Animal Yoga Poses That Are Named After Animals

animal yoga pose

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Yoga is a part of ancient Hindu civilization, which helps to keep people’s mind and body healthy from time immemorial, along with spirituality. Through yoga, coordination of the human body, mind, and emotions is established. In some people’s eyes, yoga is the only way to benefit the body, in which the human body is benefited through various asanas and postures. There are numerous yoga poses that are named after animals as animals have great awareness of power and flexibility. So let’s see the animal yoga poses that are named after animals.

Animal Yoga Poses:

Yoga is not just a posture or an action that only keeps the human body healthy, the basic function of Yoga is to achieve that height of spirituality where man is free from the burden of these worldly constellations seems to happen. Here all the animal yoga poses are described. So, see below to know about animal yoga poses.

Adho Mukha Svanasana Or Downward Facing Dog

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Adho Mukha Svanasana Or Downward Facing Dog:

Adho Mukha Svanasana Or Downward Facing Dog is one of the animal yoga poses. This is one of the widely known yoga pose. This yoga helps to treat many health issues. It also helps in body health, as well as the benefits of excellent fitness and physical flexibility. This asana is especially useful for people suffering from back pain. Apart from this, the energy is transmitted in the body by doing it.

Badha Konasana Or Butterfly Pose

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Badha Konasana Or Butterfly Pose:

Badha Konasana Or Butterfly Pose is one of the animal yoga poses. This yoga pose is known widely as the butterfly pose as the bounded legs look like a butterfly flapping its wings. This is a very good yoga pose for women as this yoga pose helps to improve women’s reproductive system. Pregnant women also benefitted by this yoga pose as this yoga pose helps to ease the pain of delivery for women. Practicing this yoga pose also helps to improve blood circulation.

Bakasana Or Crane Pose

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Bakasana Or Crane Pose:

Bakasana Or Crane Pose is one of the animal yoga poses. Bakasana is derived from the Sanskrit word Vak, which means heron or crane. In this posture, the last situation of the body looks like a heron or crane, hence the name has been given. This posture is taken as an advanced stage of yoga and balance asana. Regular practice increases your concentration.

Bhekasana Or Frog Pose

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Bhekasana Or Frog Pose:

Bhekasana Or Frog Pose is one of the animal yoga poses. The final stage of this yoga pose resembles like frog thus it called the frog pose. This yoga pose has many health benefits. This yoga pose helps to improve flexibility and also reduce abdomen fat. This yoga pose also improves blood circulation and keeps your heart healthy.

Bhujangasana Or Cobra Pose

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Bhujangasana Or Cobra Pose:

Bhujangasana Or Cobra Pose is one of the animal yoga poses. Bhujanga means snake in Hindi. The final stage of this pose looks like a snake that’s why it is called cobra pose. This yoga has many benefits to our health. This yoga pose helps to reduce belly fat. This yoga pose also improves digestion. This yoga pose strengthens the spinal cord and helps to improve blood circulation.

Bitilasana Or Cow Pose

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Bitilasana Or Cow Pose:

Bitilasana Or Cow Pose is one of the animal yoga poses. This yoga pose is a very easy pose of yoga. This yoga helps to improve blood circulation and also relives the pain of lower back pain, menstrual cramps, and sciatica. This yoga pose also helps to improve your flexibility and helps to lose your weight.

Eka Pada Kapotasana Or One-Legged Pigeon Pose

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Eka Pada Kapotasana Or One-Legged Pigeon Pose:

Eka Pada Kapotasana Or One-Legged Pigeon Pose is one of the animal yoga poses. The final stage of this pose resembles like pigeon thus it called Eka Pada Kapotasana Or One-Legged Pigeon Pose. This yoga pose has many benefits for our health. This yoga pose helps to improve flexibility and posture.

Garudasana Or Eagle Pose

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Garudasana Or Eagle Pose:

Garudasana Or Eagle Pose is one of the animal yoga poses. While practicing Garudasan, the shape of a person’s body looks like an eagle bird, hence it has been named Garudasana. Garuda is called eagle in English so this posture in English is called Eagle Pose Yoga. Through Garudasana you will be able to reduce your weight and also your body becomes flexible and the skin becomes tender. At the same time, it proves to be beneficial for kidney disease and hand pains.

 Gomukhasana Or Cow Face Pose

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Gomukhasana Or Cow Face Pose:

Gomukhasana is one of the animal yoga poses. The final stage of this yoga looks like cow face so it is called Gomukhasana. Gomukshasan is a very beneficial posture for women. Gumukasan is extremely beneficial for patients with diabetes, backache or arthritis, sciatica, indigestion, constipation, metallurgy etc.

Hamsasana Or Swan Pose

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Hamsasana Or Swan Pose:

Hamsasana Or Swan Pose is one of the animal yoga poses. The final stage of this yoga looks like Swan thus it called Hamsasana or Swan Pose. This yoga asana is very much effective to reduce many health issues. This yoga pose helps to improve posture and flexibility. This yoga pose is very useful to reduce weight.

 Hanumanasana Or Monkey Pose

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Hanumanasana Or Monkey Pose:

Hanumanasana Or Monkey Pose is one of the animal yoga poses. Hanumanasan is named after the Hindu god Hanuman, who is considered to be the incarnation of monkey. It is an intermediate level yoga posture that turns the body into the currency of Bajrangbali. The initial posture of this posture is somewhat challenging because it also has a flexible body. This seat is done by sitting comfortably on the ground and continue breathing and dropping is practiced. Especially for women, this posture proves to be very beneficial.

Kakasana Or Crow Pose

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Kakasana Or Crow Pose:

Kakasana Or Crow Pose is one of the animal yoga poses. “kak” in Sanskrit means crow in English. This asana is equally beneficial for both men and women but it plays an important role in making women’s body scattering. Bacasana yoga is considered to be the best posture to strengthen the stomach and back muscles and arms. Although the person has some difficulty in doing this asana, once the balance of the body can be practiced easily. In this article, you will learn about the benefits of earning yoga and the benefits of restoring.

Kapotasana Or King Pigeon Pose

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Kapotasana Or King Pigeon Pose:

Kapotasana Or Pigeon pose is one of the animal yoga poses. Kapotasana is an effective pose of yoga that helps eliminate fat from our body. The word Kapota means “pigeon” in English. When someone does this pose, he looks beautiful like a pigeon. This pose helps in the development of your bone and brain. With this Yoga, your body gets energy. It also puts your body on hold, this is what protects us from a variety of diseases.

Kurmasana Or Tortoise Pose

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Kurmasana Or Tortoise Pose:

Kurmasana Or Tortoise Pose is one of the animal yoga poses. When you do it, your hands and feet resemble like Tortoise that’s why it is called Tortoise Pose. Kurmasana Yoga is a good exercise of the body by posture asana. Along with keeping the body fit, it keeps you from many diseases as well. It gives a good strain on the back and waist, along with it also increases blood circulation in the spinal cord. It provides relief from gas and constipation in the stomach.

Makarasana Or Crocodile Pose

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Makarasana Or Crocodile Pose:

Makarasana Or Crocodile pose is one of the animal yoga poses. The yoga resembles a crocodile, lying in the calm state of the in the river. While practicing this asana, you need to lie down on the ground in a very quiet posture. It is such a posture that in which the breathing process is carried out keeping eyes closed, due to which it keeps body and mind absolutely calm and removes depression, discomfort, confusion, migraines, and brain disorders. This posture serves as medicine for people suffering from headaches. This posture is very beneficial in removing the problem of low back pain in women.

Marjaryasana Or Cat Pose

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Marjaryasana Or Cat Pose:

Marjaryasana Or Cat Pose is one of the animal yoga poses. In Sanskrit, the cat is called a Marjar and in this posture, the condition of the body of the man becomes like a cat. By doing this posture, there is a considerable stretch in the spine of the spine which is effective in keeping the body flexible. This posture is good for digestion and blood circulation remains good.

Matsyasana Or Fish Pose

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Matsyasana Or Fish Pose:

Matsyasana Or Fish Pose is one of the animal yoga poses. Matsya in Hindi means Fish thus this pose called Matsyasana Or Fish Pose. Since the neck is tilted backward in this posture, it has a great effect on the thyroid gland and helps keep the mind healthy. Matritasana is a beneficial posture for the body like all the Asanas, which makes regular muscles stronger and increases the level of energy in the body.

Mayurasana Or Peacock Pose

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Mayurasana Or Peacock Pose:

Mayurasana Or Peacock Pose is one of the animal yoga poses. Mayurasana is the word taken from the Sanskrit language, which is made up of two words, in which the word “Mayur” is the meaning of “peacock” and the second word “asana” means “yoga pose”“. Your position in this posture looks like a peacock, it seems as if the peacock is sitting on its wings. According to Hindu texts, the peacock is a symbol of love and immortality. Mayurassan has many benefits, but it is difficult to practice it, it requires practice, after practice you can do it easily. In this posture, the whole of your body is on your both hands.

Shashankasana Or Rabbit Pose

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Shashankasana Or Rabbit Pose:

Shashankasana Or Rabbit Pose is one of the animal yoga poses. Shashank means rabbit. In this yoga posture, the body takes on a shape similar to a rabbit, which is why it is known as Shashankasana. This posture is very beneficial for intestine, asthma, diabetes, heart disease pancreas, veins, nerves, buttocks, anus etc. It removes constipation and is beneficial for women whose habitat is degraded.

Salabhasana Or Locust Pose

Salabhasana Or Locust Pose:

Salabhasana, also known as Locust Pose, belongs to the category of Hatha Yoga and is categorized among animal-inspired yoga poses. While the pose may appear straightforward, mastering Salabhasana can pose challenges for some individuals. This particular yoga asana focuses on fortifying the spinal cord, providing benefits for overall strength and flexibility.

Simhasana Or Lion Pose

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Simhasana Or Lion Pose:

Simhasana Or Lion Pose is one of the animal yoga poses. Simhasana Yoga is a Sanskrit word which is composed of two words, in which the first word is “Simha” which means “lion” and the second-word “Asana” which means “yoga pose”“. This yoga has been named as the Simhasana Or Lion Pose looks like a lion roaming in a forest.

Tittibhasana Or Firefly Pose

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Tittibhasana Or Firefly Pose:

Tittibhasana Or Firefly Pose is one of the animal yoga poses. It is very important to have a balance in this posture. Tittibhasana Or Firefly Pose tone the stomach and also increases the flexibility of hamstring and hip. You can increase the power of your body with the practice of Tittibhasana Or Firefly Pose because it gives the body strength to fight diseases and the body remains healthy.

Ustrasana Or Camel Pose

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Ustrasana Or Camel Pose:

Ustrasana Or Camel Pose is a very popular animal yoga poses. Ushrasana is made up of two words, in which the word “Ushtr” means “camel” and “asana” means “currency”. The person doing this posture looks like a camel. It is known to open the heart cycle, increase strength and increase the flexibility. With this posture, consciousness towards sensitivity and sensitivity can effectively move the body into a certain yoga posture and increase the mood effectively.

Vatayanasana Or Horse Pose

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Vatayanasana Or Horse Pose:

Vatayanasana Or Horse Pose is one of the animal yoga poses. This yoga pose has many benefits for our health. This yoga pose improves your flexibility and strengthens your bones. This yoga pose also helps to improve blood circulation.

Vrschikasana Or Scorpion Pose

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Vrschikasana Or Scorpion Pose:

Vrschikasana Or Scorpion Pose is one of the animal yoga poses. In Vrschikasana Or Scorpion Pose, the person’s shape becomes like a scorpion, which is why it is called Scorpion Pose. Vrschikasana Or Scorpion Pose is a very effective posture to reduce the stomach fat. If you are practicing the first time then it will be difficult to do this posture. But gradually exercising will make this easy to do the posture.