Virabhadrasana II: Steps, Benefits, Precautions Of The Pose

Virabhadrasana II

Source :- s3-us-west-1 . amazonaws . com 

There are 3 types of Virabhadrasana which are also known as the Warrior Pose. The pose we are going to talk about today is called the Virabhadrasana II. Virabhadrasana II Pose was the incarnation of a brave warrior, Lord Shiva. That is why this posture is named after the warrior.

Virabhadrasana also known as Warrior Pose. There are three types of Virabhadrasana. The posture of which we will speak today is called Virabhadrasana II,  Veerabhadra, a heroic warrior, was an incarnation of Lord Shiva. This asana is named after the warrior. It is surprising to hear that this posture was named after a warrior because after all, there is no place for war and violence in yoga! In fact, the purpose of naming “Virabhadrasana” is that every yogi is being motivated to become a “spiritual warrior”.

Though it is astonishing to hear that this posture was named after the name of a warrior as there is hardly any place for war or violence in yoga! In fact, it is aimed to name “Virabhadrasana” because every yogi is being motivated to become a “spiritual warrior”.

Step By Step Instructions To Practice The Virabhadrasana II Or Warrior II Position

Source :- naukrinama . com

Step By Step Instructions To Practice The Virabhadrasana II Or Warrior II Position:

We are providing you the detailed explanation of the method of Virabhadrasana II Pose

  • Stand in straight on your feet
  • Separate your legs and try to keep them from 3 to 4 feet away from each other
  • Turn your left foot in between 45 to 60 degrees, and turn the right foot back to 90 degrees
  • Align your right ankle with your left heel
  • Slowly raise your hands until the hands get straight to your shoulders
  • Keep in mind that you need to keep your back straight
  • Keep your left ankle firmly on the ground and turn on the right knee until the knee comes straight to the ankle
  • If you have such flexibility, then parallel your thighs from the ground.
  • Turn the head to the right at 90 degrees angle so that you can place the eyes on the right hand fingers
  • Take a breath in and count five times in a while so that you can stay in the posture for 30 to 60 seconds
  • With time you will be able to increase the time
  • After breathing 5 times you can come out easy
  • Straighten the head to get out of the asana
  • Then lift the right thigh, lower your hands, straighten the back and bring the feet back inside to the previous position.
  • After doing this, move all the steps on the left side to the right.

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If you have trouble keeping yourself or going downstairs, you can take a chair back. Before starting the asana, place the chair close to your left foot. When you start moving down, bring the chair under your left thigh.

By following these steps, you’ll receive assistance and find it convenient to engage in the practice of the Virabhadrasana II Pose. Adjust the chair’s height to match your own, and feel free to perform this on your right side as well.

Precautions To Follow In Virabhadrasana II Pose

Source :- shutterstock . com


Precautions To Follow In Virabhadrasana II Pose:

Here are some precautions to follow during the practice of the Virabhadrasana II Pose.

  • Always try to keep your back straight, because if the back is not straight then the lower part of the back can get the pain over time.
  • If you have a problem of High Blood Pressure or diarrhea, do not practice the warrior ii.
  • If you have difficulty in the neck, then no need to turn your head to look at the hand. Look at the front.
  • Do not put too much stress on your corporeal potential.

Benefits Of The Virabhadrasana II Pose

Source :- gaia . com

Benefits Of The Virabhadrasana II Pose:

Like every posture, warrior pose ii also has many benefits. Here are some benefits of the warrior pose ii. Check it out below:

  • Stretches the legs and ankles and makes them strong.
  • Create pressure in the chest and lungs, and shoulders.
  • Warrior ii posture helps in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and it is therapeutic for flat feet, infertility, and osteoporosis
  • Increases physical stamina.
  • Stimulates the abdominal organs.
  • Warrior ii posture gives relief from Waist pain
  • Regular practice of the warrior pose ii helps especially during the pregnancy.