Know all about the Bakasana benefits, steps & Precautions

Bakasana (बाकसाना) is also known as the crow or crane prose as during the posture the body appears like a crow. This posture is also called the Frog pose sometimes. Bakasana benefits are many if you can regularly practice this asana. Let’s today talk about Bakasana benefits, its, Bakasana precautions, Bakasana sequence, and Bakasana pose & steps in details below.

What Is Bakasana or The Crow pose

Source :- highratedgabru . com

What Is Bakasana or The Crow pose?

The Word Bakasana came from two Sanskrit words, where “Bak” means ‘Crane’ and “Asana” means ‘Pose’. Together it means crane pose.

This yoga asana is also known as the Kakasana, where “Kak” means ‘Crow’ and “Asana” means ‘Yoga Pose’, so together it means ‘Crow pose’.

There is a minor difference between the 2 terms; where the Bakasana resembles of the crane’s stance, and the Kakasana resembles more like those of a perched crow. Though the name differs but the two names suggest the same asana, with the arms faintly bent so that your knees can come close to your triceps.

This position strengthens the arms, wrists and stomach muscles, as well as pulls the upper back and thigh. It is not an easy posture for beginners especially, but with regular practice, you can become an expert in the Bakasana or the crow position.


Bakasana Style: One Type Of Hatha Yoga

Bakasana Level: Intermediate to Hard

Bakasana Duration: 30 Seconds to 60 seconds or as per your capacity

Bakasana Strengthens: Abdomen, Arms, Wrists

Bakasana Stretches: Upper back

What Are The Preparatory Poses Of The Bakasana Or The Crow Pose?

Here are some of the preparatory poses that you should practice to get the most Bakasana benefits.

What Will I Need For Practicing Bakasana Or The Crow Pose?

Things you will need while practicing the Bakasana or the crow pose:

  • Yoga Mat
  • Enough space
  • Cushion (optional)
  • Stool (optional)
  • Belt (optional)

How to do the Bakasana Pose & Steps?

Here are the Bakasana pose & steps described in details below. Check it out carefully to execute this hard yoga pose smoothly.

Step By Step Instructions To Do Bakasana or the Crow Pose

Source :- blissfulyogini . com

Step By Step Instructions To Do Bakasana or the Crow Pose:

  • Begin in Malasana i.e. in Squat posture with your feet separated from each other; knees need to be more extensive than the torso
  • Place the hands before you on the ground spreading your fingers as though you were in the Downward Facing Dog.
  • Firm the hands down, squeezing through the entire hand and the fingertips
  • Now keeping the elbows twisted, lift your hips higher
  • Place the knees on the back of the upper arms as lifted as possible, or press the external upper arms with the knees
  • Embrace the elbows and knees into the mid-line, breathe out and round emphatically through your upper back dragging the side abdomen up, utilizing the abs
  • At that point, pressing in and up, present the load so the elbows end up straight over the wrist, twisted at 90°
  • While breathing take the heart forward and let one foot come up, and at that point convey the other to meet it if conceivable
  • Bring your heels as well as the big toes together
  • Remain in this position for around 5/10 breaths or 20 to 30 seconds if you are a beginner to this pose
  • All the time squeezing solidly through the hands to feel the bounce back lift
  • Breathe out and return into a squat position when you are done with your pose

Tips For Beginners Of Bakasana

Source :- https://wilmingtonyogacenter . com/bakasana-posture-clinic/

Tips For Beginners Of Bakasana:

Fear is sometimes the principal obstacle while beginning with arm stabilities similar to Crow Pose or the crane poses, so you can take a cushion under the face at the beginning even though you are slowly getting used to the Bakasana pose & steps.

You can begin with raising only one foot keeping only the toe of the other foot to the ground.

You require quality in the abdominal area, wrists, and center for this posture so develop it by taking a shot at your Plank poses and Chaturanga poses.

Your hips and back likewise should be gotten ready to enable them to discharge in this posture. You can rehearse these activities first in the Happy Baby Posture

Prior to attempting the yoga pose, familiarize yourself with all the relevant details, consider watching instructional videos, or seek guidance from a knowledgeable expert if feasible.

What Are The Follow-Up Poses Of The Bakasana Or The Crow Pose?

  • Chaturanga Dandasana (चतुरङ्ग दण्डासन) or the Four-Limbed Staff Pose
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (अधोमुखश्वानासन) Or The Downward-Facing Dog Pose, Down Dog, Or Downward Dog
  • Phalakasana (पलसाना) Or the Plank Pose

Contraindications & Cautions Of The Bakasana or the Crow Pose

Source :- https://sportsandmartialarts . com/crane-pose-bakasana/

Contraindications & Cautions Of The Bakasana or the Crow Pose:

It is always better to avoid the Bakasana if you are suffering from the following disorders or problems:

  • Do not perform the Bakasana Asana if you are suffering from the carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Do not practice Bakasana if you already a patient of chronic wrist or knee pain
  • Pregnancy women should stay away from the yoga Bakasana pose & steps

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Bakasana Benefits (Crow / Crane Pose Benefit)

There are countless Bakasana benefits if you can practice this asana regularly. Check out the Bakasana benefits below:

  • Bakasana benefits make our arms and wrists stronger
  • Bakasana benefits help to strengthened and toned our spine
  • Bakasana benefits help us to get a good stretch and thus upper back gets adequate strength
  • Bakasana benefits improve focus and our sense of balance
  • Bakasana benefits help to make your body and mind are arranged for any kind of challenges
  • Due to the Bakasana benefits, our abdominal area gets perfectly strengthened and toned. Consequently, this yoga pose aids our digestion system
  • Due to the Bakasana benefits, our inward thighs become sturdy
  • Due to the Bakasana benefits, our groin area opens up properly
  • With the regular practice of Bakasana, you will feel confident and strong.

Essential Bakasana Sequence

Source :- https://www.yogahealthjournal . com/yoga/yoga-pose/crane-crow-pose-bakasana-benefits/

Essential Bakasana Sequence:

There are total 16 Bakasana sequence available. This 16 Bakasana sequence will help you to soar. Here are the 16 Bakasana Sequence given below:

  • Happy Baby Pose
  • Reclined Crow Pose
  • Navasana (Boat Pose)
  • Ardha Navasana (Half Boat Pose)
  • Cat Pose
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing-Dog Pose)
  • Lizard Pose
  • Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose)
  • Garudasana (Eagle Pose)
  • Parsvottanasana (Intense Side Stretch Pose)
  • Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)
  • Marichyasana – A
  • Marichyasana – B
  • Malasana (Garland Pose)
  • Lolasana (Pendant Pose)
  • Bakasana (Crow Pose)

What The Bakasana Sequence Focus On

Source :- http://www.yoga213 .

What The Bakasana Sequence Focus On?

The Bakasana sequence helps you build core strength to take flight in Bakasana. It also opens the outer hips so that you can perch your legs high up on your arms. Finally, it stretches the upper back so that you can achieve the required flexion you need to get that crow like shape.

Warm Up Needed For Bakasana Sequence:

To warm up, do 5 round of Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskara) of your choice.

Finishing Pose For The Bakasana Sequence:

Unwind with an invention like shoulder-stand or an easy reclined twist and finally Savasana.

FAQ’s Regarding the Bakasana or the Crow Pose:

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions of Bakasana or the crow pose. Let’s check out the Bakasana or the crow pose FAQ’s below:

What is the best time to practice Bakasana?

The best time to practice Bakasana or the crow pose is at dawn.

Do have to be in an empty stomach while doing the Bakasana Or the Crow Pose?

YES… you have to be in an empty stomach while practicing the Bakasana. Practice this asana at least after 5 to 6 hours after your meal.

I’m new to yoga…can I practice Bakasana or the Crow Pose?

Well, if you are a beginner to Bakasana then be very careful while practicing Bakasana but if you are new to any type of yoga then stay yourself away from Bakasana or the Crow Pose.

Can pregnant ladies practice Bakasana or the Crow Pose?

NO… for pregnant ladies practicing Bakasana is a big no-no. Bakasana is certainly not a pregnant woman’s cup of tea.

Can I practice Bakasana any time of the day?

Well, YES… you certainly can. But you must keep one thing in mind that you can’t practice Bakasana just after having your meal. Wait at least for 5 to 6 hours after your meal and then perform this asana.